My favorite activity:WEEK 205

Hello, my beautiful people of #Weekend-experiences I hope you had a nice weekend. Today I will write to you about the initiative created by the esteemed @galenkp of the following topic: what is your favorite activity to do alone?

My favorite activity is reading, and being outdoors. Reading for me is a daily activity not only because it is part of my job, but because I love it. Reading has been a part of my life from an early age. Not even the smallest candy wrapper escaped me. In my childhood I read everything I could get my hands on. Maybe because my grandmother used to always read history and stories and over the years I acquired her habits although now that I am a mother I have to manage my time to do the things I like to read for me is to put myself in the shoes of another person not only we expand the knowledge in our mind, but we also know people and their lives their tastes their feelings their way of thinking and somehow we can make a connection with them without even knowing them in person reading is to walk through the streets of knowledge.

In my free time I travel to the mountains where I grew up one of my passions is to walk in the mountains and enjoy the peace and take a breath of fresh air for me is essential to enjoy the scenery and take pictures of flowers every time I see a flower is inevitable to take a picture I do not relax I have fun it makes me detach from the world makes me feel more alive and free teaches me to appreciate the small details clear distracts my mind and drains all the stress for problem or negative things that sometimes happen in the day to day somehow stimulates my creativity.

I love to dance whenever I can, because when I dance I'm happy, and I'm not afraid, I don't show it. And I show my true face, I really show what my soul feels.


happy mother's day

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the photos published in this blog are my own property.


Reading and enjoying yourself in contact with nature are sort of privilige itself. We're lucky to experience such things!


if for those of us who love it, it is one of the best pleasures in life, have a happy beginning of the week.
