RE: Another Reason Why McMansion Prices Are Going To Zero


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The cities are getting bad, even I'm thinking of leaving. We had one of those federal refugee centers here until the people got tired of it and it was thankfully shut down. The cartels followed the people here, and crimes skyrocketed in this once peaceful town.

The gunshots normally heard several times a week at night have receeded recently for some strange reason, but it's still too dangerous to go out at night. So I stay indoors and blog, safely above the madness.

In some ways its dangerous to be your own man, an original thinker. Whats that old saying in China? "The nail that sticks up, gets hammered."

In a world built for control, free opinions can be a dangerous thing.

It may just be wiser to be observant and keep your head down like the donkey in Animal Farm while plotting your escape from the chains that are slowly binding us.


The way to escape is synonymous with spreading the truth.

If people know that they are being herded into cattle cars, then they will know to resist.
This is an information war.

With this type of post, i am trying to get people to see that things aren't going back to normal. Many people right now are saying "there is no crash", the rest are saying, "it is crashing, but it will later recover". I am trying to spread the word that it is crashing for good. There will not be a suburban housing market.

With knowledge people can make better decisions.


You're absolutely right iin what's happening. I just wish more people could see what's going on and would listen and take action. Your warnings about stocking up on food is spot on. We're paying more per unit, while the packages are getting smaller by the year.

The Georgia Guidestones are gone. They got rid of those things quickly. Information is power indeed.
