PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 45. Около водопада Султан - Near the Sultan waterfall

Всем привет! Hello everyone!
Я показывала водопад Султан в урочище Джилы-Су в Кабардино-Балкарии. I showed the Sultan waterfall in the Jily-Su tract in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Совсем близко к водопаду мы не пошли, шёл дождь. Но даже под дождём мы оценили красоту этого места. We did not go very close to the waterfall, it was raining. But even in the rain, we appreciated the beauty of this place.
В водопад извергается река Кызылкол и далее это даёт начало реке Малка . Вот так вот бодро по камешкам она начинает свое течение. The Kyzylkol River erupts into the waterfall and then it gives rise to the Malka River . And so, cheerfully over the pebbles, it begins its course.

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Но свою славу Джилы-Су получил благодаря множеству минеральных источников. Их здесь много и целебное действие с одной стороны давно используется местными жителями, с другой всё ещё не до конца изучено. But Djily-Su received its fame thanks to the many mineral springs. There are many of them here and the healing effect, on the one hand, has long been used by local residents, on the other hand, is still not fully understood.
Какие-то источники сами пробивают дорогу на поверхность. Здесь между камнями есть несколько ручьёв. Народ с бутылочками приходит набирать воду. Some sources themselves make their way to the surface. There are several streams between the stones. People with bottles come to collect water.

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Какие-то источники выводят с помощью труб. Some sources are taken out with the help of pipes.
Там, где эти камни, вода с высоким содержанием железа. Where these stones are, water is high in iron.

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Из-за железистости получается такой яркий оранжевый цвет, откладывающийся на почве и камнях. Due to the iron content, such a bright orange color is obtained, which is deposited on the soil and stones.

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1-ю фотографию я представляю на конкурс PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 45 от @photofeed This is my entry to PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 45 hosted by @photofeed

Camera Sony RX-100.

300 (7).png


In that highly mineralized area I would totally be panning for some gold!

Absolutely gorgeous area and there is a good chance you might find some color there!


Hmm, that's an interesting guess. They told us nothing about gold.


Basically put a piece of lead into a pan with dirt and add water and then shake it vigorously. The piece of lead will fall to the bottom. In fact you can vigorously wash the dirt off the top. The lead will stay there.

If you go looking around panning... Even find gold all over the place and gold is extremely heavy like lead. In fact you can use lead to practice at home in the winter.

Look up how to pan for gold and how to prospect for gold! You never know you could find a piece of gold out there that will change your entire life financially!

Gold exists everywhere.
