RE: Life happens, the unexpected happens. [LOH 148]

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While in some cases, people give birth to children for the sake of reducing their struggles. They make babies and put them into labor which is one of the cruelest acts in the world.

I've heard a psychologist talking once, she said those who have children just to have someone take care of them at old age are selfish. How many do that?

Also, having a lot of children just to put them to work is inhuman. Obviously life is different in each continent and I hope these things will disappear one day.

As about your friend's, it must have been tough, but when the parent has no one to rely on, you do everything you can, in my opinion.


It would a bad thing to abandon them at the time they need us very much so we just have to do the needful.

Some people still use their children for labour and its disheartening. The habit is gradually going extinct and one day it will be gone.
