Loh Community Contest #171-Few Words For The Young Women


Hello and greetings to all my beautiful ladies in this amazing community. Hopefully, we are doing just great wherever we are. It's another week to talk about us women and we'll never stop doing that.
This week's topics are really interesting to talk about and with a longing to join the train, I'll love to talk about the second question for this week

What would you like to say to young women today,what advice will you give them?

I am a young woman myself. I may not have gotten even half of the experiences in life but I have just a few advice to share to all the women concerned and most especially young women in their prime


A simple advice.
Generally older ones are regarded as ones who have seen a lot that life has to offer. They have made their mistakes,once or twice in their lives and they have also achieved a lot of goals and conquered a lot challenges. They are in the best position to guide you as you grow to become a mature woman. Sometimes,it may seem as though they are trying to control your life or tell you what to do all the time but know that if a word of wisdom is given out of love,it is for the best.
Older women,our mothers,sisters and any other elderly feminine figure in your can guide you as you gradually take those steps that will get you where you want to be.

As a young woman,I have been told quite a number of things by my older ones. Some of which I did and others,I called 'outdated' or even 'impractical. But over time,I reflected on the past and I came to realise that wisdom cannot be termed 'outdated'. For the moment,it may seem impractical but you might want to give it a try before concluding. If you listen,you would likely avoid regrets in the future when you think back about how you handled consel from your older ones.

Go For It

Growing up in the African setting it used to be said that ' a woman's life ends in the kitchen'.
You can change that narrative. The fact that you're a woman doesn't make you less human. You were born with potentials,talents and gifts just like every other person out there. If you have discovered what your talents are and what you want to accomplish as woman,go for it. If you are yet to discover yourself,maybe it's taking a little bit of time to figure out what you actually stand for,give yourself time and when you finally do,go for it. Leave your comfort zone,learn new skills and if you have a chance at education, don't let anything stop you from fulfilling those dreams of yours. Build your future and then you will have something to give back to your society,to the ones you love and to everyone who look up to you.

Be Confident

I had a lot of things I had wanted to do. Things I haven't tried before but I wasn't confident enough to do it. The most discouraging thing you can say to yourself is "I can't do it".
You can do it
How will you know unless you actually try?
Take that bold step,even if you have to close your eyes to take it. You'll never know far that one step can take you. Start doing all those things in your bucket list.The more you yake more steps,you farther you go in achieving everything you wish for.


To all my young ladies,you are a force. You have a lot of wonderful potentials the world is yet to see. Do not limit yourself,explore the endless possibilities at your disposal . Your dreams are not less valid because of whom you are. Be confident and know that you are unstoppable!

Opening Image source


Thank you for sharing your wonderful advice @empressjay. For highlighting the importance of reflection and respect for our elders and to always just go for it.



Thank you for sparing some of your time on my space.
