Weekend-Engagement: WEEK 171|Never knowing how to say NO!

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What's up community, here I am once again with all of you sharing this pleasant weekend in the Hive blockchain, this time and could not be otherwise performing another of the activities of @galenkp where we present various Topics which challenge us and seek in our most creative and give development or a simple phrase, situation and so on. As always there is a quite striking and interesting variety of topics, very difficult to choose since all of them fit what could be my life, I have had experience with all of them so I could talk about any of them without any problems, but I consider more important and relevant Topic 2 which is about: "What is the most unproductive habit you have, why do you do it/continue and have you tried to break the habit? What would your life look like if you eliminated it? ", incredible, isn't it? and it is a topic that gives a lot to reflect and share with everyone here in the community.

When we talk about habits, there is an infinity of them, both positive and negative, but what happens when we become attached to these and no matter how much they teach us we never learn from them, such is my case with this habit which I consider I still have, I have stages in my life where I carry it in a better way and others in which I give myself completely to this, I would consider it in fact my weak point that for those people with eagle senses can use it to precisely take advantage of me, I talk about the difficult situation in which we do not know how to say no, although it sounds very simple and rare, it is more common than it seems, I think this is linked more to the personality, so it is usually more common in those people who are kind and concerned about the other, to the point of putting the priorities of the other above their own, that is something completely unhealthy if not controlled.

This without a doubt I consider it one of the most unproductive habits, since taken to the extreme it affects me negatively, in several opportunities if I had said NO on time, I would have saved me a lot of problems, discord with people and bad times of course. I have been dragging this since my childhood, with fellow students where one begins to experience what are the responsibilities and you can imagine where the story goes, I was the typical child who thought he had more time available compared to other children, so I was responsible for many academic group work to the point of being saturated and yet I did not complain to anyone, was this ridiculous reason for not being able to say NO and free me from work that could do without problems my classmates.

This continued into adulthood when I was in the work force, it was almost the same story as my time as a student, not knowing how to give people a "So long" and avoid being abused by others because of my good faith.
You will say "But this surely led you to have many friends by being that person who was always there for them with an affirmative answer to all the favors you were asked".... Well the answer is NO, quite the opposite, for some reason society reacts more to the negative than to the positive, I mean, if you do 10 favors for someone and you fail in only 1 of those 10, that person will only remember that one time in which you could not provide help, this was one of the reasons why in small sections of the moment I realized that it was not worth it to be good with everyone, with this I don't mean to become a bad person and be selfish from now on, but rather to realize that we are priority and no one can play with our time which is very valuable and the only way to achieve this is to put a limit to people with a simple NO! .

It is incredible how something so negative, an expression of closure and culmination depending on the situation can become something good and even something healthy talking a little mental health, we must be tempered and not think that we are doing wrong by not being available 24 hours 7 days a week, we all have responsibilities, problems and things to solve, so we must find ways to solve all this ourselves and not reload this weight on others or at least not most of the time. Apply it and you will see how little by little the stress and pressures will disappear, I have been achieving it little by little in a progressive way, feeling bad in many cases not being able to serve someone who in principle seems needy, but if I do not feel good how can I pretend to help another, let's heal ourselves and then seek the healing of a third party.

With this I say goodbye happy to be part once again of these activities organized in the community, sometimes I even feel to be performing a kind of catharsis by venting on topics that normally would not talk, so dear community I wish you a happy day hoping to see you in a next opportunity!!!!!

The text is entirely my own

The translation was done with translator: DeepL


This habit must be remedied soon because people take advantage of this impossibility of saying yes to everything and that is when we become like machines where they always look to us for favours and by the way people get angry when you say no, so you have to be strong and say NO. Greetings and happy weekend


Unfortunately, we are an easy target for those who detect this weakness, so to speak. Little by little everything will be more by priority and not by this bad habit.
Happy weekend to you too, grateful for your comment 🙏


I think that if you always say yes to everything people ask for, it is unsustainable, because no matter how good we are, we have to draw our limits well for our own well-being. HUGS


Exactly, it is something to improve or at least decrease the occasions in which we do it, many times we think we are bad for not being at the service of people, but as I say in the post, we must put our priorities first and then that of others. Thanks for commenting 🙏
