Weekend Engagement: Week 170 | Simplicity is the key to living our best life

A big greeting to all who make up this community and also to the platform in general, happy to be here again and be able to join another of these entertaining activities held on weekends, I am always surprised with the issues raised here, every time I think there is nothing more to talk about, @galenkp appears and shows us the opposite, so the only thing I can do for my part is to support so much effort in giving us content, also in order to entertain and have fun in the process, remember that the point is to have a good time and discover what is going on in the minds of the Hivers every weekend.

In this opportunity in the wide selection of topics I have leaned towards the first one, call it madness or be thematic, but it gives me anxiety to start at the end, I have the need to fulfill an order 🤣🤣🤣🤣, but leaving this aside the topic number 1 is about: "Living our best life" in which we will mention three elements that we consider indispensable for our life to be the best possible version.

When we talk about life we open a very extensive debate, because when it comes precisely to live it there are many opinions and thoughts, some things that you consider essential to lead a happy and comfortable life, for someone else it is the opposite, everyone has their personal needs and desires of life, so it is normal that there are many points of view, In my case I will share 3 in particular that I consider in my personal opinion have made me lead a happy life and if I can maintain the longevity of the same if I could consider that I am living my best life, perhaps I can disagree with some, but it is just as I mentioned just now, each head is a world and the world of yours truly who speaks here is like that:

The Sport 🏋️‍♀️

Each person seeks in their own way to live their life to the fullest, some consider that enjoying in excess is the answer and may be right, however there is a group in which I include myself that certain activities lead you to enjoy it equally, perhaps having a challenging mentality that always seeks to exceed limits and overcome past versions, I refer to physical activity, exercise, training, is something that not many see with good face because of how demanding it tends to be, It is difficult to start and maintain a constancy is even more so, however it is something that once you get to master it gives us a plus of empowerment, security and even personality or is there anyone who does not feel proud to overcome, I do, and that's why leading an active life surrounded by the subject exercises I consider something positive and conducive to lead a good life that in the long run will bring me many benefits.

Soccer as a passion of life ⚽️

In this life we must have an engine that drives us, some that generates strong emotions that make us feel alive, the only thing that comes to mind when mentioning all this is soccer, the sport that for lovers of this discipline leads us to experience what it is to feel pride for a shield, a shirt and colors, it is incredible what you can experience when approaching the world of soccer either by practicing it or simply enjoying it from the stands of a stadium or in the comfort of our homes.

In my personal case the passion for soccer goes beyond, it means much more to me than a simple 90 minutes match and those who know me will know what I am talking about, being more specific I am talking about what it means to feel passion for a soccer club which helps me to have a special person who has not been present for several years. for this reason soccer is literally life for me.

Health to continue sharing with family and friends 🙏

When it comes to ask to feel better in life, the first thing that crosses our mind is money, to have great luxuries and have at hand an endless number of eccentricities, but what good is this if we do not have health. Although this as such cannot be asked for in a magic bottle that assures us many years of life and health, in a symbolic way I consider that it is important to ask for our own health and for our loved ones, this factor is what I consider to be one of the most important to have so that enjoying our life to the fullest is possible, the other things like money are worked for and earned.

So with this I close this top 3 of elements in my opinion must be present in my life to be the best life, there are others left out that are not necessarily less important, perhaps another time they can come to light and I can share them with you all, for now I can only say goodbye wishing you a happy weekend, looking forward to know what will be your participation here in the community. See you later Hivers!

The text is entirely my own

The translation was done with translator: DeepL


You mentioned health and I totally agree with you on this, having good health is a way we can defined living good life


Good health is everything, without it everything else becomes nothing. Thank you for commenting 🙏


Yeah you are on point thanks for writing


The joy in seeing your favourite club win is a health benefit on its own ♥️♥️♥️


It is a joy that only those of us who enjoy the sport of soccer understand and sometimes seem crazy screaming in front of a television 🤣.
Thanks for commenting 🙏
