If I Could Change A Thing In The World...


The world is far from perfect. Some might argue that things are much better than it was many years ago, and that's correct, but with each breakthrough in technology comes a new evil. By expectations, the world is supposed to be a better place with the technological advancement and the rapid evolution that has taken place over the years, but the opposite seems to be the case. With each evolution comes greed and an insatiable lust for power and dominance. The growth in each passing generation only brings the lowly at the plea of the mighty and gradually we are molded into modern slaves whose freedom is denied in a logical and well systemic structure.

Sometimes we can only hope that things get better, we envision that the future would be better but yet find ourselves in more trouble and depression than the past years and we wonder where things went wrong. The problem most times doesn't originate from the technologies and machines that are built nor the advancement in this information age, all these are the hand-made of humans. The problem that corrupted the system, and frustrated the goodwill of the inventors are "Men". It was men who changed the tradition to fit their selfish desires, it was men who ranked humans based on possession and rarity, It is men who make custom, laws, and rules that govern the decision of other humans.

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Looking back, we will realize that the origin of anything faulty is a handcraft of a man. I once heard a funny comment from a friend but if we examine it, we'll find an atom of truth in it. The person had said, "Take Nigerians to settle in an already developed country and in a few years, that country will look like Nigeria". The person here must have spoken about the entity "man" and their mindset. The way people think is what shapes their world. So if the world is far from being perfect, it's our mindset and things we do that have shaped it into what it is or has become. Change the mindset of a mind, and you'll get a better result. Our mind and the way we think is what shapes the world.

Our fathers in the old lived a well fulfilled lives even though they had no luxuries to enjoy like we do today. Their mindset and pattern of thinking was what gave them joy in the little that they had. So what makes a world perfect or near-perfect is not the wealth or the material things attached to living, but how we think. Sometimes I'm forced to believe our parents lived a more perfect life because they had little expectations and enjoyed the very little they had. It was their mind and way of thinking that shaped their world to look perfect even when it was not. If I could change a thing in the world, it would be "Men and their Mindset". If I can succeed in changing how we think, then the world would once again be a perfect place with no greed, envy, rivalry, and apartheid.

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Humans were living doe longer years before leaving the world unlike this present generation. You are right about the mindset of those I'm the past.


Thank You and indeed the people of the old lived longer


Take Nigerians to settle in an already developed country and in a few years, that country will look like Nigeria".

As funny as it sounds, it's as true as truth. Nigerians will always be themselves no matter where they find themselves.
People's mindset shapes the decisions they make. When an individual is greedy, he tends to pursue every good thing selfishly; me, myself and I and with people like this, the situation of the world and the people in it keeps getting worse as the each day goes by.


It's funny how greed keeps growing each day..people are no longer comfortable with as much as they get and this is the origin of all the suffering the world is going through


This is absolutely correct. Our thinking shapes many things about us and our world. If we truly want better results, it starts from the mind because the Bible even confirms that, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So, if we want to do it right and better, let´s change our mindset and thinking.


You've really said, every change begins from the mind before it's manifested.

Thanks for your great feedback


Funny, what you've written I stated in bits on what I wrote- ‘poverty, greed and selfishness’ are the ingrained factors bringing us down. These realities need to be rooted out both physically and mentally to truly get the best out of man.
Lovely read💕
