RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #153: My Entry

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Hello, Sis. Thanks for mentioning me. I may still be on HIVE but not as active back then. I was devastated when my account was compromised and all of my earnings were hacked and had a hard time coming back. I've been grateful to @chrisrice for helping me when I got DV every time I posted on the platform. Now, I am back on my knees though I cannot post every day due to my writing job in a publication outfit in which I got two employers.

Anyways, 5 years from now? I may still be here to continue writing as it is my passion. Before my account was compromised I enjoyed the fruits of my labor here. It helped with my son's medical requirements and I am very grateful to Hive for that.

I hope that everyone likewise enjoys the fruits of their labours and continues to pen quality content.

As we age, we need to write and read more to avoid being scatterbrained.

Before I forget, Sis. Thank you likewise for the help and for being a good friend. 💞 God bless you.
