RE: April HPUD Guessing Contest - What am I? With extra prize this month


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that looks like crochet bag, maybe a hat but I more on to a bag but the sling is not shown there.

I am sorry those Aceh dudes bug you this way, I have had some disputes with them in the past but I do not know if those are the same guys or the same circle as them. I will try to dig in more, but can't promise you any. Even as an Indonesian, its extremely hard to get into their circle as some of them tend to promote isolation from people of other regions or ethnicities.

I hope they get some real job in real life, so at least they spend time on doing things that worthy and valuable, not like this bugging trolling people for their useless fun


It sad that there's so many of them, and especially when they're from your own country and it give the goods users a bad reputation as well. I think they've stopped posting now, or maybe they will come back with more new accounts, we shall see


yes, I really hope they stop for real, getting a real job to pay for their family living. I have lived there for 2 years working on a couple of projects, so more or less know how screwed up there... for decades they lived in military suppressions then a decade living "freely" from many international aid and grant due to a massive Tsunami disaster. We can not expect anything from people or generation who grew up in that kind of background.
