My feathered friend- Indy and I

As always there are many silver linings and one of them right now, is being able to spend more time with Indy, the Indian Ringneck that my brother bought for mum many years ago.

And as Mum unfortunately passed away 3 years ago, Indy now lives with 3 boys (2 men and a dog) and misses mum and the female companionship that they had together.

She is a great bird, but has an extremely loud screetch- ear splitting in fact, so I do NOT recommend an Indian Ringneck as a pet, or putting any birds in cages actually. They are meant to fly, not be caged up, like a lion is mean to run, not to be get the picture (I hope).

So here is Indy and I have a cuddle.




I wish every single one of you who ever you are, where ever you are and what ever you are doing a very safe and happy new year filled with love, peace, health, success and abundance this coming new year and every near year after that! (unless you're cruel to animals, then that's a whole other blog....)


If you have made it this far, then you are absolute champions and I thank you so much for reading my blog tonight and I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


❤️❤️❤️All love and support in whatever way is greatly appreciated❤️❤️❤️

The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests.


And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊



hello dear friend @chocolatescorpi good day
how beautiful is indy, I love the bright colors of her.
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy year full of joy, peace, health and may prosperity never stop visiting you


Sí, es hermosa, pero desafortunadamente también es muy ruidosa con sus graznidos para llamar la atención porque está muy, muy sola y aburrida sola durante tantos años y tengo un hermano muy ummm 'impaciente' que no es tan comprensivo como yo y no puede. tolera su ruido, por lo que, lamentablemente, se mete en muchos problemas con él ... Es por eso que la gente nunca debería comprar ningún tipo de mascota sin tener idea de lo que necesitan y cómo cuidarlos, especialmente un pájaro recién para llevarlo a una pequeña prisión por sí solo sin otro amigo pájaro ...😥


Such a pretty parrot you have there. Amazing little creatures.
My neighbour just showed me a picture of a pretty yellow and orange one that came to visit him on his terrace yesterday. He fed the parrot and it stayed for a while, and then left. Parrot returned today so he rang up a resort known as Parrot Resort, who he thought maybe had lost one. They said it didn't belong to them.
He then got 3 other calls from different persons claiming the bird as theirs. So funny what some people will do.
