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Everyone has their habits when it comes to traveling, it's an inbuilt customization for each person and while different factors influence these habits, stemmed from growing up usually, I won't delve into that.

For some people, they prefer to sit in a place or position where bodily contact won't be made, others don't mind. Some are more concerned about the comfort of the seats and how much space is available for one to stretch one's legs, especially on a long journey. Others are particular about other details like ventilation, space to rest one's head, for sleep and to be woken up later upon arrival at their destination.

For others, it is the smell of petrol, they just can't stand it. It nauseates them and leaves them feeling miserable throughout their journey. I sincerely feel for them, I can only imagine how hard it must be.

My traveling habits are weird, maybe not weird but funny. I have a preference for seats closer to the window and I don't like anyone's body touching mine. It shouldn't be a big deal, but some people are just annoying when it comes to their hygiene.

I hate the smell of sweat in any form, and because I sweat a lot myself, I take extra care with my care products. I would never be caught dead without a body spray or roll-roll- not only because of sweat, but I feel like people need to know that using roll-on or any form of deodorant is a basic requirement for any human.

Some people are less concerned and the moment they step into a gathering, the smell in the atmosphere changes to something nasty I'd rather not talk about. I'd rather shrink myself to avoid body contact, I don't even care if you are dirty or not, it rubs me off the wrong way.

I hate body contact, I say again and there's no exception to that rule for me. I have met a few passengers who zone off immediately after the trip gets started, and by zone off, I mean sleep.

Sleep is good no doubt, and you own your eyeballs which is none of my business, but it becomes my business when you sleep with your mouth open, drooling like a dog and nodding towards my direction.

I'm a very nice person, but the moment you lose guard and turn your head or any part of the body my way, I'm meeting you halfway with my elbow, lol. I'm only kidding, I'll wake you up and you better behave cause I won't have a grown adult resting his or her head on my shoulder, sleep or not.

I don't eat before traveling, it makes me feel lighter and better aware of my surroundings, I think traveling on a full stomach makes you heavier which in turn makes it easier for you to relax and sleep when the breeze hits you. Different strokes for different folks though, that's just me.

That being said it's okay to eat before traveling if it works for you, and it's not a problem, but eating on public transport, and by that, I mean a bus, car, taxi, or anything that transports people on land, bicycle exempted, I'm not sure you can pull off eating on the bicycle though I can't even picture it.

Sorry, I digress, so, it's cool to eat on the bus if you are down with it, but some people are so heartless, selfish, and insensitive that they eat on the bus. Some funny people eat eggs on the bus. Eggs? Yes, eggs. Whenever someone seated next to me eats eggs (boiled) on the bus and unleashes the smell, I want to gag.

It's bad enough that people eat eggs, but it's worse when you see some people who lack proper etiquette eat eggs, talk simultaneously, and line their lips with egg yolk mixed with their spit, ew!!

I once came down from my seat because the person seated next to me was eating eggs. The particular journey was going to be about six hours, but I could not just bear it. Who would come to my rescue when I start getting bombarded with farts? I can't risk it especially since this particular journey is a long one which I detest. I hate long journeys and I prefer to avoid it if it can be helped.

I had to come down because I couldn't bear it. Since I'm not paying for anyone's transportation, it's okay to do you, but if it doesn't sit well with me, I'll take a graceful exit.

There was a time when I didn't like sitting with mothers who had their children or children with them. Of course, I didn't have any child by then, and I used to consider it an inconvenience to have a baby fussy, cranky, or wailing seated next to me. "Ma'am, can you calm your baby down? Her screams are getting into my head." I once told my neighbor on a bus some years back and she apologized, imagine how many ill looks I got that day. For what? I wondered. Ask me that same question now that I have kids and I will explain with examples, lol. Motherhood is a very tasking job.

I'm a very organized person and stuff rarely catches me off guard, I always plan. That's why I almost always pack in excess. Even if I'm going for a short trip, I'll plan for unforeseen events like a dinner, a party, hangout, beach church, or any other outing.

The fact that I always end up not needing most of the things I pack hasn't deterred me over the years. I'll travel in style and return in style, it's my cross to carry or in this case, my luggage to carry. So, wherever I go, I always have an outfit for every occasion, never to be caught unfresh,(you know how the saying goes).

I prefer modest and budget-friendly hotels whenever I'm taking a trip to an unfamiliar territory, I would take my time to read reviews and research scandals if there are any. History and experience have shown that it is better to be informed. There's a saying about, "Better safe than sorry." Well, I don't want to be sorry.

Every single person has his or her own tailored routine for traveling and that's what makes us different. We are all unique that way and while I may not necessarily agree with another person's routine, I can respect them.

All that matters is to enjoy the journey make meaningful moments and of course, be safe.


To sit near you during a travel must be the most difficult thing one can do😀. For so many reasons I have travelled a lot and I get to see so many awful behaviours, and most of the times one just have to tolerate. If I were there when you told that mother to keep her child in other, I certainly would have concluded that you are a very mean person😄. As a gentle man, if a lady rest on me while sleeping I certainly would let her be😍, but if it is a man, I will gentle wake him up. Even though I hardly fall asleep while travelling, there are few occasions where I got caught up by sleep. If you are always traveling long distance, you will understand that sleep is inevictable, and I totally understand people when they sleep around me...


Yeah true, I have my own kids now and I know better, lol. Thanks for dropping by.


When traveling you meet with different people and some can be irritating while some can be bearable. I also don’t like the smell of cars (private) cause it makes be nauseous and that means I won’t be able enjoying the ride.

And also people eating in the bus, there’s nothing wrong with them eating even if it’s egg as long as they’re not chewing out loud and irritating everyone with their chewing.

I also hate when people with their sweaty body rest on me on the bus I so much hate and different odor coming out, that is really unbearable.
