I don't like to hoard. In the same manner in which I clear up my personnal space, it is by same that I clear up my digital space. A number of times, even just yesterday when i called a friend to request a certain document, she had said, 'Amaka, you delete too much. I don't even know what you're always deleting. Every little thing, you're tapping at the clear and delete options. One day, you'll get rid of something very important by the way you're going, and I hope its not something irrecovrrable.'


She doesn't realize that I like to filter things so I know what is available and get faster access to it. My devices storage capacity is large, yet, I like it to only contain necessities. I remember installing Snapchat only because a friend needed to use it on my phone, after which I deleted it once she was done. It's simple, why keep it there when I have no use for it?

Before I even started to piece this article, the first app I had in mind to talk about was the radio. It was only after looking through my device that I learned that I don't even have it at all. My phone doesn't not cone with it pre-installed. That happens to be one of the few pre-installed applications in all the devices i ever owned that never ever used. It just occupies space and mostly, I never even remember that it's there.

For applications that I install, I make sure to not download what I have no need for. In cases of exception where i need an app for a one-off use or a friend needs it, right after I'm done with it, I lose it.

Right now, the only apps I have which I only just learned about courtesy of this topic, which I never ha e a use for are tips and gamelauncher. Even with realizing their presence on my device, I still have little care for what use they offer. Okay, I checked the tips app and realized it's set with a number of instructions and tips for my device use. But of course, I would never consult it. Google is a faster help for me. It, in my opinion, has limited information that I might use if I experienced more complicated issues. It's for fancy.

Image is mine

The gamelauncher, after checking through what applications that I have, I tried to uninstall it, but it just wasn't possible. Tsk! That's the thing with follow-come softwares and apps, you can't take them out if you want to.

I don't keep games in my phone. Asides, yhe word cross and bottle sort games, games generally do not interest me. Even the above mentioned games are not in my device. I install/download them when I feel like and uninstall once I'm done using. I'm assuming(cause I did not bother checking) that the game launcher app is for trying out new games. Whatever it is, I don't care cause I don't use it and do not need it. Even my calendar app is far useful.

You know what, I just found, right now, that there's this app, AR Zone, on my device which I hadn't previously noticed. Checked it and it's looking all cartoon and animation-ish. It looks like something I would never need.

Wo! Me, I don't like things to take up my space, I dislike hoarding so decluttering and cleaning out is a habit that I have mastered as regards different areas of me.
That sums it for apps I have no need for.

Thanks for gracing this post.
