The previous year, 2023, was a good year for me in a lot of ways. Inspite of the huge loss that occured sometime in between, that almost made the mood sour and overclouded the nice things, it was fair enough a year. Beginning from the very first month of that year. The first three months especially brought great news.


Without further adọ, I'll just get in.

First of, I welcomed my very first niece. I remember that day like yesterday. It was quite late in the evening and even my parents had retreated to the calm of their room when the call came in. That night, thw house overflowed in joy. I felt my heart expand so wide and a surge of love and warmth coarse through me. I had not laid eyes on the babe but my mind was conjuring sweet scenarios and big sister moments. It was great news and a big blessing to my entire family. The little one happens to be my parent's first grandkid so you can understand the situation. The newness of that different kind of sweet feeling. Gosh! The way I've felt eversince her coming, I cannot perfectly describe. In a few days, she'll be one. Just spoke to her before I began writing this and hearing all her mumble-jumble baby talk made me excited. I just feel a deeper sense of responsibility and obligation. January was great.

Second sweet memory has to be the marriage of my sister. We're very close and share so much with each other. I know very much about her and her businesses. I was glad when she broke the engagement news to me and when I got to meet the guy, I was excited for the Union. See, so many good things happened with my sister in the last year. So many. I told her a while back that, 2023 was her year. It was back-to-back blessings. I haven't totally gotten over all of them.

The third memory, the one that left me cold and confused, the one that I still live in the denial of was the death of my grandma. I hadn't seen her in about four years. When we spoke last, she kept asking why I hadn't come visiting. I promised to, by the holiday. I wanted to but, here we are. I never got to see her again. That hurts. It hurts bad. But I am grateful to have had her be a part of my life. Well over a hundred years before she left, never had to give anyone issues to bother out her and always a warm, cheerful human, I can say in confidence that she lives a full life. It's all good

It was a year for me. A tough one but a good one. There were more memories that I would have shared but the prompt says three and I'd stick to that.


Thanks for gracing this post.


I’m so happy for your sister and I’m sorry about your grandma.
I know she’s watching over you from above.

avatar Chee became an aunty, just like that😄. The first two news were really fun ones but the last, not at all. Last year was a handful for many people but I'm glad we all made it through in one piece.


My dearrrrrr...that's how I became an aunt😁
All in all, it was a good year and we're grateful.
