Human rights were made to ensure not only the safety of all but that we know our limits and boundaries, respect those of others and can easily recognize when anyone makes to ride over us. It's important to ensure decorum in our world.


Between those two, that of freedom of speech and the right to privacy, it comes off as a tough battle to choose. Never imagined a day would come when I'd be asked to pick between my rights even if it were a joke.

The thing is, over here rights are like mere words. It's been overly hammered in our heads that no one ever should trample upon it but it's rarely as said.

Days ago, the internet was ablaze when this lady had made a post about a certain product. It must have been very harmless, just as many other posts and product review but the outburst it got was surprising. She was detained by the product-CEO. Was just too much drama. He must have thought of it as an attempt to bring down his business. Wasn't go it looked(to me).

Many times even, we exercise these rights of ours and we're made to face threats and brutalities. If you're oblivious, go through the Right's list, look around your environment and even your country and you'd find loopholes. The activities in my Homeland in the last few years is just enough evidence. We have managed to live with and navigate some(as we can).

One right trampled upon can make the others feel very less. I'm a very private person and this doesn't totally account for why I don't speak much. I've said it before here, that talking is draining and can prove a chore. So I'd rather stay calm.

But then, this is a lot more broader and far deeper than merely engaging in conversations. This here is centered around limiting my right to air my opinion, my choices, express my dissatisfaction. Forfeiting this right implies I never have a say and I am shut up whether or not my words are sensible.

On the right to privacy, I definitely love my space, my peace and quiet. I greatly treasure and savour them as much. When you're in that confines you face Les drama and public inputs. But is privacy guaranteed in totality?

Made to choose from the two, I'd choose the freedom of speech over the right to privacy. The main reason lies in that, if I could express myself freely, then I could easily tell people to stay off my business. Leading a private life doesn't afford you all that(maybe, not always), still, I choose that my voice be heard, that my opinions count and that I get listening ear(s) when I speak.

I certainly do not hope to use my right to infringe on on the lives of others.

Besides, in the world where people may choose either of the two, how do you make sure that while you maintain your privacy, others do not use their voices to drown you out in your peaceful space??


Thanks for gracing this post.
