RE: If House Prices Will Fall AND Bitcoin Prices Will Keep Going Up, When Should You Buy a House?


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The quick way about it might be to utilize some wrapped BTC and borrow USDC against it to buy property in Japan or Italy or Spain.

Again it really depends what someone is trying to achieve by buying properties.

Someone could go super remote and live off the land but then they are in isolation unless they had a family.

I think for a lot of people this becomes the issue. Sounds great in practice to homestead and I'm all about it but without a family a person could borderline turn into a Ted Kazinski type character.


Another post i have done, and should redo is that we are at the beginning of the great migration.

All of those Africans in Europe are going to make their way south.
All of those illegals in America, are going to be making their ways south.

Probably with fiery help.

But this is not what i mean.
We are going to move to be in groups of like minded people.
We are going to come together and find our "family".

These are the people we are going to form a community around.
