Between Worlds - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Freewriter Prompt)
I see a young girl standing in a squared frame which seems to be a portal between two worlds and she's having one leg forward with her hands leaned against the frame. One of the world of which she is coming from is a bright world with vegetation and life and the other a gloomy void of hopelessness which looks like space as there seem to be other planetary bodies in the back ground. Zooming on the photo, she looks quite sad as she seem to be stepping forward into the gloomy void of hopelessness.
The outfit of the young girl girl is giving me a southern vibe and I feel she’s caught in between worlds having confusion on what to decide. I’m guessing that explains the sad look. From her body language, it seem the decision to go over the other side of gloom and hopelessness is more as she already stretched one foot out. She doesn’t look quite happy with the decision she’s about to make but I’m also guessing she has no other choice as it seems she’s leaving a life behind to take her chances with uncertainty. The photo is obviously an abstract and I feel the picture is more of an illustration on human choices and how often we do not value what we have because we think it's always better somewhere else.
I first saw this prompt with a sleepy eye and I felt some kind of way like I could relate to what the picture is portraying.
You see, we live in a world that is frequency bound meaning in this world we are living in there exist other world with different frequencies and existence which is where dreams come in.
It is believed that our soul do not remain in our body when we sleep. The moment we lay our head to sleep and pass out, our soul goes out to explore. I have always heard people talk about soul travel, a more vivid dream where everything you feel or experience is real and I had my fair share with my first experience.
I was reading a book and barely two lines into reading, I was already dozing off. I felt some sort of sensational feeling and the next thing I knew I was in space dressed like an astronaut in what seem to be like a spaceship. Next thing, I saw myself floating in space while watching a space invasion happen inside the spaceship. I couldn't explain what was going on and the moment I realized this is not dreaming this is real, I felt some sort of strong force pull me down back to my body. I opened my eyes but couldn't move, I noticed I was still in-between sleep and my brain isn't fully awake yet to send signal to my body to function but my eyes were opened and I could see my room with everything in it.
I noticed that the more I struggle to be fully awake and not pass out as I still felt the strong urge to sleep, the stronger the vibration pulling me down. At that point I felt so scared I was going to die as I felt myself sinking into my bed and going underneath. I kept screaming in my head I am not going to die as I tried so hard to get my body up but it wasn't responding then I started chanting my religion's mantra. As I chant in my end the vibration of the pull lessened till it went away then my body became responsive as it felt like I just survived an electric shock. I felt these surge of energy run through my body as I heaved a sigh of relief I did not die. Ohhh how this prompt reminded me of that faithful night 😅.
In another illustration, it is not always greener on the other side.

Looking at the girl standing in the portal, it seems she already had her hopes high on the other side of life being better than where she's coming from but she was in for a shock as she doesn't look too happy over the choice she's about to make stepping forth into the gloomy side.
A couple of times on the news, I watch how people sneak into vessels or use a inflatable boat on the high sea to cross over to the western world just to escape the harsh economic conditions of their country. Some don’t make it while others might be lucky to survive.
For the lucky ones who scale through, being an illegal immigrant, surviving and getting on their feet becomes another tough nut to crack especially in a country where they take data and record keeping seriously. In no distance time, some of them find themselves living on the street, a life worse than where they are coming from.
Some get entangled in shady businesses and end up in death row, others get sold off as slaves in the desert or their organs harvested and sold off in the black market… I ask again, it is not always greener on the other side?
My friend and her husband relocated abroad and sold all they had their fortune. Which is common with most people relocating and as we can see from the photo it's also peculiar with the girl as she's seen going into another world with nothing hoping to meet better opportunities and start all over again.
The last time my friend and I spoke, she was telling me how what they met in the country they relocated to is not what they expected and it’s not been easy especially coping with children, I mean they were doing really well here. For some people when they relocate and meet a dead end, they’d rather die over there than to come back and start again. But she and her partner already figured out the way forward as she said they want to strive in acquiring citizenship and secure the lives of their children, then they will come back home for retirement. This decision of theirs is what is prominent with most people who relocate to the western world, survive and make it. Some who do not make it end up in self imposed exile.
While it's good for one to leave their comfort zone and explore other options for better opportunities, we should always bear in mind that life do not start us all at the same level.
The grass is never greener on the other side, you have to put in the effort, the blood, the sweat and the sacrifices to make it as green as you want it.
Thank you for reading this far, your contributions will be highly appreciated.
This was quiet an interesting read! I enjoyed it and you are right. What we expect is rarely what we see.
Thank you for joining pic1000. 👍
Thank you for your encouraging words 🥰
You are welcome dear. The new contest is online.
Greetings @wakeupkitty
Right on it thank you 😊
I really love your illustration here. Sometimes, what we may think would be good on the other end might not be as we expected or think it would be. Life is different for us. While it may work easily for A doesn't mean it will work out with same method for B. Some people opt out for greener pastures, forgetting that it may not come quicker but requires hard work and effort.
I popped in here through #dreemport
Thank you for stopping by #dreemerforlife 🤗
I have lived that experience of soul travel, astral travel, or whatever they call it. It is a very strong experience and although on a couple of occasions I was able to verify that if one or our spirit moves to another reality or perhaps dimension, fear overcame me and I did not dare to advance further. I did not feel calm when experiencing that and I still have doubts about what it will be like. I also wrote an entry for this message, inspired by my experiences. Greetings. #dreemerforlife
Thank you for stopping by. Next time you have such experience do not fear just embrace it, you will find yourself floating as if you are flying. The rest is an amazing experience
You have a deeper reflection about this topic and the picture and it's interesting how you relate it to happenings in our real life
This is what my soul has been yearning to hear this period in my life and I am glad I came across this gentle reminder from you
Always a #dreemerforlife
I’m glad you found the post soothing dear 🤗