ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕣 𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖? - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


Clearly, we can see in this image the digital pixelation of a female stereotype with the use of AI. I know that many of my retractor friends will, in their exhibitions, describe a “beautiful woman with hypnotising eyes”, perhaps without realising that between the real and the virtual there is a border that is difficult to cross, and we only feel it through our senses, especially sight.

One of the questions we are asked to answer in this challenge is “What do we feel?”, my answer is “discontent”, especially today when we are celebrating International Women's Day. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate images has opened up a debate about the perpetuation of stereotypes, especially with regard to gender representation. The concern is that these images perpetuate a distorted view of reality, where women are presented as objects of beauty and desire.

In a challenge where we are required to “be original”, not to use AI to generate our stories, whether in prose or verse, in pursuit of excellence and quality, it would be right that the image provided is captured from reality, from the surrounding environment. Otherwise, we will continue to live in a fantasy world where “Prince Charming and Fairies” will not only be present in the imaginary world of children; it will take over adults and with no turning back, we will be trapped by AI, “and that's just the beginning”.

I will focus my story on the relationship of two worlds, the real and the virtual. Let's read…

In a kingdom where night never gave up its throne, there lived a woman of unparalleled beauty and a brave heart. We all knew her as the Lady of the Stars. She answered to the name of Γυυναίκες. Her destiny was intertwined with the mystery of the night skies.


The crown adorning her head was no mere object, but the legacy of an ancient prophecy that invested her as the guardian of her realm, whose function was to prevent the real from mingling with the virtual. The gems embedded in her crown were stars, each representing the soul of a being in the real world. In the real world, people had a name that identified them; the same applied to the virtual world. My real name is Zonder and my virtual name is @amigoponc. That's how we are known in both worlds.

Γυναίκες contemplated the night in the vast gardens of the castle he ruled. Under the blue moon, admiring the stars and listening to their whispers in the distance, he kept order. One of those nights, his life changed forever. A man from the real world, a painter of nocturnal landscapes known as Lysander, entered his garden, attracted by the kaleidoscopic sparkles of the stars that seemed to dance around Γυναίκες. Attracted by visual harmonies that he had never admired in the real environment. Contact with the virtual was achieved with augmented reality devices and hypnotised by the Artificial Intelligence that had been gradually taking over the real world.

“Lisandro and Γυυναίκες”, they met in a flashing exchange of glances, with the help of Cupid and the poisoned spear of passion. In that instant, something more powerful than magic brought them together. He saw in her the muse he had sought to pose and sculpt on every canvas, her beauty. She saw in him the possibility of a love that transcended the limits of virtual, “contact with the real”.

Together, “Lysander and Γυυναίκες” faced mystical challenges and trials of true love. Forged love threatened to unbalance both worlds, a task for which Γυυναίκες was destined, “balancing the reality of life and the virtual world of HIVE”. The mighty one proved that true love is the most powerful force, capable of uniting even the most distant worlds in the universe. Their union merged into what together they called “cryptocurrency”.

The story of “Γυναίκες and Lysander”, is a hymn to hope, a tale that reminds us that, in the dark canvas of the night, that, in the inexhaustible waters of the Blockchain, love is the light that guides lost souls towards their destiny: “Living in harmony between one world and another”.

I remembered a film from the 1980s, “I fell in love with a mannequin”. I'm not sure if you remember its plot, but it was an eye-opener to what is happening today. You don't fall in love with a “60 90 60” mannequin, but they do fall in love with digital stereotypes.

Campaign say NO to the use of AI in HIVE. Be creative.


Come on, there is still time to participate in this wonderful and interesting challenge

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words



Thanks for your exposure @amigoponc, you are a woman with your head in childhood. They lived in the world of imagination, but prepared them for the reality of life. Compare your criticism related to the stereotypes and also now through the AI. Knowing that women have stereotyping to adapt to them is simply a low self-esteem. Some men see visual effects in an image that reflects a false reality. That's where we need to be in business, in films…


Thank you for always being present and supporting me in my publications. For me, you are a beautiful fan #1, constant, sincere, open. Blessings. A hug from afar.


!gifs well done


Thank you brother for being present. A hug full of blessings.


If it comes to AI it indeed goes for stereotypes and even more than you think! AI blocks and bans and guess what the looks of the female soul looks like? Indeed she is a shining blond with a white skin.
As soon as you ask AI to change blond into dark hair a monster appears on the screen!
If you ask me this perfectly covers 'women's day' it's the picture widely spread by Disney and many more. Dark hair stands for bad! Only sweet angels are blond.

Thanks for joining, the great introduction and describing 'The Goddess of the soul".

