The 100-Day Project, Day 44 — Time for More "Small Things"


Day 44 of the 100-Day Project has arrived with me feeling fairly tired after yesterday's work in the garden.

I am reminded that I am not 29, anymore...

From the previous batch of finished stones

Part of the day went with taking further inventory of what I have available, as I dive deeper into my "backstock bins" of finished stones.

Everything is sorted into large flat plastic bins, according which online sales venue they belong to. Saves me a lot of time.

Day 44 Stone Painting:

Same routine as I have been following for a couple of weeks: Start the day's creativity with a Chakra Stone for the "Retreat Project. I feel like the end is finally in sight!


Today's stone is pictured above.

And then I'm going to continue painting small "Faerie Stones" for a while, because we do need those for the events season.

They are pretty small and simple to paint, and only take about 5-6 minutes each to do, once I get in the groove.

Managed to get eight of them done today, before running out of inspiration.

Yes, I painted eight stones today! But they were very small...

Day 44 Summary and Social Media Bits:

Finished multiple stones today: As usual, a Retreat Stone, and then eight tiny *"Faerie Stones."

Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Picture post with today's freshly painted tiny stones.
Daily Facebook Page post: Fail/Pass. passing again to leave the event announcement post at the top of the feed.
Daily Instagram post: Check. Did post with tiny stones.

Other Stuff: As usual, this Hive post; another decent day, glad to build my stock of tiny stones; Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

Day 44 completed; I'm going to call this a fair day... didn't really feel super inspired, and I had a lot of other work to take care of. And sorry for the rather short post, as well...

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art!

*2024.04.03 AS-TXT-235/205


Eight stones in a day sounds like quite a haul. Well done!


They are quite little, so they only take 5-6 minutes each... but they require a lot of concentration because I'm basically painting a design on a stone that's often smaller than a 5p coin.


Smaller than a 5p coin? Wow. I admire your eyesight! 😁


Thanks! I'm blessed with being able to see tiny things, up close. My wife is always handing me the pharmacy bottles to read the minute instructions! On the other hand, the Driving License Office thinks I'm "legally blind" without my glasses... 🤣
