ZapFicMonday: Prompt: “exchange" | Feathers worth gold


Exchange, a word that gives a lot to think about in this new zapfic challenge, when observing it I remembered the old form that was widely used in my country in colonial times, when an exchange of products was made by common agreement between clients. This was what was known as the exchange economy, which left its marked effect on the development of the market at that time. It was common to see immense ships sailing along the Apure River until it empties into the Orinoco River. Skilled merchants brought innovative objects and exchanged them for heron feathers, highly sought after in Europe to decorate beautiful hats. In this environment my zapfic story for this week develops, here it is:


Lia appeared in the balcony, anxiously awaiting the return of her husband who was exchanging gold jewelry for the heron feathers that would adorn her European hats.

Suddenly, Carl walked into the lobby happy because he made a good trade.


This is my entry to the contest original ZapFic contest, if you want to participate you just have to write a story written in 240 characters or less following the indicated Prompt; for this week it is "exchange", publish before Thursday 23h59 GMT.


Image captured by my phone

Content is authored by me, banner and avatar were made by me using, WhatsApp and Inshot App. Original text in Spanish, translated to English using Google translator

Image by

Alborhadaa (4).png

