The birth of strengths (Reflection)

Happy afternoon dear friends of Hive, I extend a cordial greeting accompanied by a sincere wish that you are well. On this occasion I join the free theme contest that has been proposed this week by the beautiful community Amazingnature. I hope you can read my publication and even better that you like it.


I am characterized by being an analytical person, I am always thinking about what I can learn from everything that surrounds me, especially from nature. It is true that I am not a botanist nor have I studied the scientific names of flowers, but I almost always manage to have a special connection with them. I believe that the best life lessons are learned by observing and meditating, in many occasions it is not even necessary a whisper to be told how you should lead your life, but a brief moment of observation with a heart willing to receive the teaching that nature wants to transmit.


All human beings want to be happy, we always try to show our best version like the beautiful button that this little tree has. We shout for joy when our projects are accomplished and we keep pictures of these beautiful moments for posterity. That's great, but what do we do in those moments when we are downhearted and feel in the fiber of our being that we can't take it anymore? The most popular tendency is to isolate ourselves, that no one looks at us in that version, so we hide even from the mirror because we do not evenwe are able to look at ourselves.


This has happened to me and believe me that isolating myself from the world is the worst thing I have done because being very depressed and accompanied by my worst version I do not invite any good thoughts to my mind, rather I am cradling my mental monsters. So, the best thing to do is to go out and I don't mean by this that we go out to divulge our problems, no, let's look for answers in nature. Just as this little tree of pretty flowers shows its buds that are beautiful babies, it also shows the flowers that have lived a while and are worn out. It does not hide them, because that flower is also part of it and is valuable, it has had its brilliant moment and even in its final moment it shows integrity. That flower has received the strong rays of the sun, more rain than it deserved and still showed its splendor, leaving us a lesson of endurance and strength.


So it happens to us human beings, we have moments of anguish and we get through it, we have defeats but we get up, until there comes a point when we get tired, that is normal, we are human, but we must remember that it is only tiredness, just as the flower of the small tree also got tired we went through that moment but not time to give up because after going through difficulties we become stronger, we have more experience and this embellishes us. We continue to give the best of ourselves and when the storm comes we continue to resist with the hope that this storm will be temporary and will leave us life lessons.


Our moments are like the flowers of this small tree, there will be some bright, spectacular and others that in the eyes of others will be horrible but there is also beauty there, just not everyone will see it that way, only exclusive eyes will see the beauty in a moment of storm, as it is the birth of new strengths.




All photos are my own, taken with a Realme 7i.

I invite my friends @tejimundo, @cajiro, @jemima1996 to participate in this fabulous contest.


Very well written and appropriately accompanied by photographs.

I have a similar experience. Whenever I feel "miserable", I go to the forest and calm down there.


Nature has its therapeutic effect when you look beyond the obvious.

I'm glad you have a natural refuge for gray days.
Thank you so much for your appreciation 🤗🤗🤗🤗.

Greetings 💫


I have a forest behind the house, so I can relax almost continuously :-).

I hope others will like your article.


What a beautiful reflection! It is true, contact with nature makes us heal physically and spiritually.
