A Loser




Hi Miss!
Please do you have a black Jean size 32?
Yes Mister we do.
Can I get it, please?
Yes, sure! Give me a second.

Here is your Jean, do you wanna try it on?
No, it's not for me actually, it's for my son Jake.
I wanted to surprise him with a little gift.
Oh really? Well, can I suggest something else for you? I think he will like it too.
Come check this out.

I took Mr. Henry into the inner room of the boutique to check out more for his son Jake.
He liked most of the clothes I showed him, bought a few, and thanked me for the help.
He called the next to thank me yet again for the help, saying his son really did like it.
And this made me very happy and pleased. I like it when I receive positive feedback from my customers and patronizers.

I was busy working, trying to set things in order in the shop and get other things done when I got a call that there is a package sent for me.
I wasn't sure what it was or who it was from cause I can't remember ordering for anything.

The doorbell of my shop rang a minute later after receiving the call.
I went out to meet the delivery guy who handed me the package he was with. It came with a bundle of flowers and a card.
I received them with shock. Who could it be from? Who sent these?
I immediately opened the card that came with it to read to find out who it was but there was no name attached to the card just a little note of appreciation.
I opened the package, the gift was lovely. It was a bracelet and a necklace. My taste to be precise.
I did like the gift but I was worried since I didn't know who sent it for me.
I kept wondering and searching my mind for who it could come from but none.

The last person on my mind was Daniel. A friend I knew since childhood but he was out of town, could it be that he is back? And he decided to surprise me?
Or could he have ordered it for me even while abroad?
I was disturbed so I put a call through only to find out he didn't do anything of such.
It seemed my investigation was not going anywhere better so I let it slip for a moment while I went back and concentrated on my work.
I placed the package in my drawer and put the flowers aside while I continued with work.

Hi Miss!
It's me again, Henry said with a smile
Goodness me! When did you get in? I didn't notice your presence, welcome Mr. Henry.
Call me Henry, please.
Okay, Mr....Oh sorry, Henry.
How can I help you today? What are you taking this time?
I am taking you this time, Henry teased me.
Pardon me, he said after letting it out already.
I am very sorry, I didn't mean that.
No, it's okay, I am not angry, I know you were joking lol.

What if I was and what if I wasn't?
Anyway we can go with the you were
I believe you were just joking around.
No, I wasn't actually, I mean what I said, Jane.
For the first time, Henry called me by my name.
Yes I mean what I said, I need you and I wanna take you.
I know this isn't right but I liked you from the first day I met you.
I don't know what but there is something very peculiar about you and I can't resist it.
Could you please give me a chance in your life?

But....you are married, Mr.Henry
Married? Oh my! I am sorry for the confusion Jane. I am very much single and was searching until I found you lol.
Jake, the one I got the gift for, is my nephew. My else brother's son. He is my son as well. I call him my son because he is like one to me.

I see!
That's nice of you Mr...oh, I mean Henry.
I actually thought you were married with a wife and kids, not just Jake.
So about the package I got, was it from you?
Forgive me for taking you unawares but it was. I hope you liked it.
Yes, I did but after knowing it's from you, I am sorry but I can't take it.
Neither can I accept you either. I am very sorry Henry.

Why? Henry asked!
I will be very frank with you, I am in love with another and I can't do otherwise.
I am very sorry but I really appreciate you for this.
I know this isn't what you expected and you meant no harm.
In the same way, I mean no harm but I can't take this, I am sorry and again thank you for your kind gesture and for confessing your interest in me.

It's okay, I understand Jane and it's all good.
No offense taken!
You are still as kind, humble, and gracious as ever and the one that holds the key to your heart is the luckiest.
Do take care, Miss Jane! And have a very rewarding day!

I don't know if I did the right thing but my heart became heavy that night.
Why? I never liked Henry, no I thought he was married so there was no way I would have any interest in him.
But then why was I feeling the way I did after telling him I had someone else in mind already?
I couldn't phantom why but I didn't wanna ponder much about it either so I slept off on it.

I woke up to a strange message.
It was from Daniel, the guy I told Henry I liked.

Hi Jane, how are you doing? It's been a while.
I am sorry that I am just contacting you now. I was quite occupied and busy over here, you know how it is right?.
Well, I wanted to let you know that I will be coming back soon.
But finally, I am not coming back alone.
I found the one Jane and I am very happy and can't wait to show her to you.
You have been asking and disturbing me about the one.
Jane, I have found her and I am never letting this one go, see you soon....Daniel

Why was I tearing up? It's true, I have been bugging Daniel about his girlfriend even when I knew I like him.
I didn't wanna tell him about it but he has always been the one in my heart
Now he is coming back with the one he found to be his own.
I have no one to blame but myself.
First for not telling Daniel about how I truly felt about him and secondly for rejecting Henry, the guy that ever confronted me to confess his feelings and interest in me.
I ended up losing the two, I didn't accept Henry, and now Daniel can never be mine either.
This was not my wish but I felt like A Loser

The End...



Hmmm, an interesting story but I feel she did not do anything wrong, as she never liked the guy from the beginning and at least there could still be a chance for the both of them who knows because her manner of approach wasn't wrong actually. She handled the matter with much maturity unlike many girls who scorn the man and behave with arrogance because he approached her.

Many times, things turn out the way they do so we learn which also makes our eyes open to the reality.

Very good story, keep it up.


A better way to summarize this. Thanks for stopping by dear. Glad you liked what she did 🙂


The reader leaves at the end concerned about Jane, not because she 'lost' two potential boyfriends, but because she seems to lack insight. That is something she will need as she moves on in life and meets other people. And, she must stop thinking of herself as a 'loser'. It seems Henry's attachment was too hasty to be trusted, and Daniel's was never strong. With insight, she will find a more suitable match (we hope!!).

This was an interesting excursion into the trials of young love. Thank you for posting your story in the Ink Well community.


I am glad this got The Ink Well Community interest, thanks for your love and support.


She's now hearbroken💔. She failed to accept Henry pure feelings and now Daniel is already in love with someone else 😔

Lovely story dear❤


Hmmm, I don't think she is heartbroken, she just felt like a loser.
Thanks for your time and input


What a sweet and sad story, @zellypearl. I found myself wishing for Jane to find her way, as she seems lost in some painful indecision and lack of self-esteem. Neither Daniel or Henry is a good choice for her, since one is unavailable, and the other is one she is not attracted to, but she blames herself. It's a very good scenario, and very believable. Women often take a hit to their belief in themselves when love is hard to find, and it's very sad. Well done.

By the way, I have a small correction for you. The word "phantom" should be "fathom." :-)


Yeah, it's hard for Jane!
Thank you so much for the feedback, Jayna. I have already had a problem separating those two spelling lol. I am sure now I won't have that issue again, thanks to you 😉
