Facial Treatment in a Very Unique Traditional Way




Acne or nail disease that usually affects children
youth, both male and female. This pimple doesn't hurt, but for infected with this disease usually feel ashamed and try to remove it.
This disease is caused, among others:

  1. Less sweating.
  2. Because blood is dirty.
  3. Due to the influence of alcohol
    caused by unsuitable cosmetics.
  4. Eating too much oil or fat-containing substances,
    for example: peanuts, soybeans, kwaci, milk and so on.


There are two ways to treat facial skin, especially those with acne:

  1. A cleanup followed by a refresh.
  2. Treatment with cold powder.
    A. How to treat facial skin with refreshment If we are going to sleep, we rub our facial skin with sliced ​​tomatoes or with sliced ​​cucumber, or better yet grated cucumber mixed in with a little water, then filtered with a thin cloth. Finally, we will get cucumber water. The cucumber water is rubbed / rubbed on our facial skin with cotton so that it is evenly distributed. In the morning when we wake up we take a small towel, then we Enter warm water and squeeze a little, then wipe it on the face
    has been rubbed with the cucumber water. Hot water is good forget rid of facial fat. Then take another small towel and dip it into the ice water. The method is also the same, squeeze the towel slightly and then wipe it on the face that has been swept with the ice water.


Ice water is useful for closing the pores on the facial skin.
B. How to treat facial skin by using cold powder. There are two types of cold powder:

  1. Small round like lizard eggs.
  2. Still in the form of flour.

How to use:
For those that are shaped like lizard eggs, we take one or two grains,kneaded with a little water, then powdered on the skin of the face. when going to sleep.

For powder which is flour, take half a small teaspoon, also mixed with a little water to powder on the facial skin until evenly distributed if you want sleep. It feels on the skin, fresh, cold smells delicious and fragrant, because there are traditional ingredients. In the morning, we wash our face with plain water.
