Enchanted Pixie - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 326 [ENG/ESP]
Hola amigos y comunidad, estoy emocionado de participar en el Concurso de Arte de Splinterlands de esta semana con mi último dibujo para Splinterlands de este año. Me sentí bastante bien con este dibujo y me permitió explorar distintas técnicas y opciones.
Hello friends and community, I am excited to participate in this week's Splinterlands Art Contest with my final drawing for Splinterlands this year. I felt really good about this drawing and it allowed me to explore different techniques and options.
Para mi participación en el Concurso de Arte de Splinterlands de esta semana, me inspiré en la carta de Enchanted Pixie. Este personaje me llamó la atención por su apariencia vibrante y su encanto mágico. Además, me recuerda mucho a la animación de Winx que veía de pequeño, y me gustan los colores de la carta.
For my entry in this week's Splinterlands Art Contest, I was inspired by the Enchanted Pixie card. This character caught my eye with her vibrant appearance and whimsical charm. Additionally, she reminds me a lot of the Winx animation I used to watch as a child, and I love the colors of the card.
Me gusta mucho el lore de esta carta y según lo que investigué: Cuando un extraño meteorito brillante se estrelló en los Pantanos del Musgo Viviente, las heliopiedras enterradas en el barro reaccionaron con un estallido mágico de creación. En una gran frenesí de luz y ruido, miles de pequeñas criaturas voladoras surgieron de los pantanos y se dispersaron por las Splinterlands. El tiempo de las hadas había comenzado.
I really like the lore of this card, and according to what I researched: When a strange glowing meteorite crashed into the Swamps of the Living Moss, the heliostones buried in the mud reacted with a magical burst of creation. In a huge frenzy of light and noise, thousands of tiny flying creatures emerged from the swamps and scattered about the Splinterlands. The time of Pixies had begun.
Espero que mi fan art capture la esencia de Enchanted Pixie y sea bien recibido. ¡Gracias por la oportunidad de participar y por fomentar la creatividad en la comunidad! ¡Nos vemos el próximo año!
I hope my fan art captures the essence of Enchanted Pixie and is well-received. Thank you for the opportunity to participate and for fostering creativity in the community! See you next year!
I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to read this article. Your support means a lot to me and motivates me to continue sharing content that can be useful and interesting for you. If you found this article helpful or enjoyed reading it, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Best wishes.
Quiero agradecerles sinceramente por tomarse el tiempo de leer este artículo. Su apoyo significa mucho para mí y me motiva a seguir compartiendo contenido que pueda ser útil e interesante para ustedes. Si encontraron este artículo útil o disfrutaron leyéndolo, les agradecería enormemente sus comentarios. Éxitos.
![]() | I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey. |
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.
Banner made in Canvas
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria