Is it possible to change the habit?

The brain is in close contact with the various habits we have developed, so it is really difficult to break the habits, which we have discussed in this article - how habits become addictive. For the neural circuit inside our brain, these habits become ingrained in us like a program. Then, as soon as possible, these programs are revealed to the outside world through the brain's own behavior. At the same time, these behaviors are seen to happen again and again.


Although it is difficult to break these habits, it is not impossible. Here are some suggestions:

It is important to be attentive

We always have a tendency to go over the old ways. In this case, it is important to be aware of what you are doing and how you feel about doing it. We need to see if what we are getting out of our habits is really helping us.


In a word, man is a slave to habit. In many cases, we can't or don't want to overcome certain habits or behaviors. Waking up at night, eating too much fast food - so many bad habits can be a threat to our lives.

We all want to get rid of such habits, but most of the time we have to give in to our instincts.

It is possible to eliminate any habit by following certain rules. It may be hard to give up some habits, it may be necessary to be strict with oneself, but in the end the gain will be one's own. So let's take a look at some of the methods that will help you to overcome any bad habits.

Habit change-

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One should get accustomed to something less harmful than the current practice. For example, if you are trying to stop drinking uncontrollably, you should keep sweet food or gum like sticky jelly around you, so that you can eat it whenever you want. Because that object is readily available. Again, it is necessary to make a habit of eating healthy food instead of high calorie fatty foods. In this case, your choice should be apples and pears, not apples and chocolate ice cream. Cigarettes should not be kept at home.
How To Change A Habit

Avoid danger

It is important to avoid such risky work or situations if you are eating or smoking in a special situation or at work, such as when watching movies late at night.


To understand or understand the habits correctly - it is important to understand the habits correctly without being a slave to the habits. Every time you smoke a cigarette you need to create a kind of awareness in yourself. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Dangers) principles need to be analyzed in order to overcome the habits that develop unknowingly in oneself. In other words, in this case, one has to create awareness about one's own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and fears.

These need to be written down-

The easiest way to get rid of bad habits is to write them down. Writing on paper is more effective than memorizing. You need to download an app to keep track of your food and calories, or you need to download an app that helps you get rid of the addiction to cigarettes or other drugs and the health risks associated with them.


It feels good to start trying to apply these solution formulas. But if you want to apply them without thinking about success, then you have to take the help of treatment. It is not possible to deal with the problem of addiction on one's own. In that case the help of an expert is often needed to solve the problem completely.

How long can it take?

A saying called 21-day rule is very common. According to this theory, it would take exactly 21 days to break any habit. This theory comes from the famous ‘Psycho-Cybernetics’ research of Dr. Max Maltz, which was later used by many experts in their work. From psychiatry to the world of sports - 21-day rules are in place everywhere.


One thing to understand, however, is that the 21-day rule is not a scientific fact. So if you can't give up a habit in 21 days, then there is no need to think that it is impossible to give up that habit.

Each person's ability to adapt is different - similarly, each person's problem is different. If it takes a long time for someone to overcome a bad experience or bad habit, there is nothing to despair about. It is important to stick to devotion - one day success is bound to come.

According to a UCL study, people can give up any habit within 18-254 days. So if it takes almost a year to quit a habit, professional help should be sought.

Make a habit of cutting habits:

When you give up an old habit, it is better to make a new habit as opposed to that habit. It is always better to move an activity to a new one. It is very unhealthy to give up a long habit and sit idle, because the lazy brain is the devil's factory.

You can do your best to overcome your own habits

Suppose you have a bad smoking habit. In addition to the nicotine addiction caused by smoking, there is a mental dependence on the whole work. So if you quit smoking in a hurry, after a few days you will have a terrible interest - you will want to start smoking again.

So replace this bad habit with something good. Once the vacancy is filled, you can easily give up the bad habit.

I want to emphasize:

In many cases strength of mind is more important than time or environment to break the habit. This is because the amount of time varies from person to person.

You need to ask yourself first, how much you want to break your habit. Second, how deep is your habit?
