I am alive Challenge Day-27

Today is Friday,

  • November 5, 2021.

Praise be to Bismillahir Rahman.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu how are you all I hope you are all very well by the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty.


I am also well in your prayers and in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Alhamdulillah, thank you to the great Lord Almighty who still keeps me alive, Alhamdulillah.


  • I woke up in the morning, prayed, and then lay down for a while. My body is not so good, it doesn't seem to be bad.


There is happiness and sorrow in human life but there are some people among us who forget the great Lord Almighty in times of happiness and remember the great Lord Almighty in times of sorrow. It is not right to do this at all. He always takes care of you. If He tests your faith with sorrow then why don't you remember Him in times of happiness.


My life is not a struggle for me. Every human being has to live a life of struggle. It is very difficult to survive in this world without struggle. No one will give you a place in this society. Earn ten rupees honestly and spend it, it will be a blessing for you in this world and in the hereafter, and if you spend one lakh rupees in a dishonest way, then there will be no blessing in this world, there will be no profit in the hereafter, then what should we all do? How many of us should build a floating lotus life in the present society.

I talk a lot every day, maybe you are angry with me, but I have nothing to do with it. I talk about the people of the present society. And the Hereafter is everlasting.

Lastly, thanks to the lab admin who made the comments for us.

I will not say much, I wish you all the best and stay healthy. I said goodbye like today.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


For more information please refer to their guide at

