I am alive Challenge Day-24

Today is Tuesday.
November 2, 2021.
New morning new life will be something new inshaAllah..
All praise be to Allah,
Bismillahir Rahman's Rahim Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
How are you all? I hope you are all very well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty. I am also very good in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty.


I hope you are all very well and I always pray to the Lord Almighty to keep all of you and all the people around me well.


I woke up in the morning, what can I say today, we caught a chicken, the house is broken, so today I have to do housework with my younger brother, my mother keeps chickens, so it is very important to fix the house, because a few days ago we took two ducks with me. I don't know, of course, our house was empty, maybe someone took it or some living thing took it away. Today, my brother and father have been working since morning to fix that house.


I didn't go to college today. I couldn't help my mother to work with my sister and brother.


With your prayers, some work has been completed and some work is still being done. We hope it will be over in a short while. I appeared in front of you in the midst of my busy schedule.

One request to all of you is that if you help me a little in this failed life of mine, then I can do something good in my life.

Your little support is the biggest thing in my life, if you all help me a little bit, then I can get a lot of great things in the future, that's why I keep asking you to give me a little support so that I can do something good in my life.

I hope we can do something better. Many thanks from here to the lab admin who gifted us such a site.

This is my short article and I can't write any more because everyone is busy, everyone knows that you are well and I wish you good health. I said goodbye like today.

I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


For more information please refer to their guide at

