

Have you ever been in a position whereby you believe you can't move further??
Have you ever ask yourself
Why are am still here??
Why can't I make it to another level or why can't I just change the rules for myself?
If you haven't been there before then I have been in these mess severally.
It is setback,it doesn't give you the ability or chance to move forward,you keep dwelling in your past or mistakes and these setbacks has made me miss several opportunities.

For me I just discovered the three things that were stopping me from stepping into the next level.

My Past Truama
I realized my wounds and silent side effects were rooted deeper than i could have possibly imagined and I was so in denial that I had to lose important relationships before admitting I needed help.So glad I worked on it.

You see these one "FEAR"it has a very bad effect.fear stopped me from listening to my inner self and who I really was,you can imagine how it had control over me
Fears of failures, being too old to change, judgement, rejection and let go. The all created layers of layers of false belief for me.

Not finding what I truly love.
Yes tho music is what I truly love,I felt it didn't stop there I knew there was something Missing in me that wasn't put in place
I knew I loved other things but I didn't really discover what it was.
So I needed to find what motivate me the most and strive for it and succeed.

I wanted to be obsessed with this thing and I was ready to Put in the necessary work to make it happen.
And then I discovered I love teaching and I went for it even with different discouragement coming in and out still I didn't give a damn,they said teaching profession is very hectic and stressful,you will work and over work.
But I discovered that if you love what you do,it won't feel like working you won't feel the work in it but more like breathing.

I hope these things have served and help you.And I Know they sure did for me

I am @itohowo
Thanks for stopping by to read my page.
