Own Dreams - Crazy Pen Hallucinating


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Most people have their own dreams. They really want to do something. Whenever they hear suggestions from others, they would feel upset and irritated. I am inclined to think the reason why some people are able to succeed is that they can put aside those suggestions and unfavorable comments from others. If you ask them why, they would give you an answer that 'all these comments make me work harder.' In other words, they are not willing to be told what to do or what not to do. What makes people turn a deaf ear is their will and strong personality.

It is a general belief that all the people in this world want to be successful. However, success has different meanings for different people and the way to reach it is also different. Success is not a mere sound that can be defined by anyone; it is a great topic to be explored and analyzed.

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(© 2021 @bityobit.:)


hello dear nice to meet you, I approve with what you wrote ... success is subjective and what for me can be the pinnacle of a success, for another person it may be worth nothing ... the only advice that I would like to go back and be able to accept them are those of my father ... I am 34 years old and I can tell you that he was always right about everything but I realized that it was too late! Have a good evening dear!


Thank you for your kind words. I agree with what you said, especially the father. We always find that their words are true, but we know that after it is too late.
Thank you for your visit
